Abu Dhabi Child Safety Concern Form

The Safety Concern Form is a mandated report form that should be submitted by all mandated reporters in Abu Dhabi, when a suspicion of child maltreatment occurs. Are you a mandated reporter? Examples of mandated reporters include teaching and non-teaching staff in schools and nurseries, social workers in social institutions, police officers, physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, athletic coaches for children, and employees of daycare facilities and child recreation programs.

If you work directly with children, you are mandated by law to report a child maltreatment concern.

All persons working directly in providing care, education, social support and protection for children are mandated by law to report suspected child maltreatment concerns. By submitting this Safety Concern Form, the reporting of a child maltreatment concern will be documented and the appropriate entities will take necassary action to create a case and follow up to ensure the child’s safety and protection. By taking this action you are ensuring the relevant authorities are alerted to provide help and support to the child that may be facing maltreatment.

Safety Concern Form

Access the Child Safety Concern Form here.

Report here

If you work directly with children, you are mandated by law to report child Substance use concerns.

All persons working directly in providing care, education, social support and protection for children are mandated by Article 42 of Federal Law No. 3 of 2016 on Child Rights (Wadeema’s Law) to report any concerns that may threaten a child's physical, psychological, moral, or mental integrity. Substance use is one such concern. Staff working in public, private, and charter schools in Abu Dhabi are required to report suspected child substance use by submitting this Substance Use Concern Form. The reporting of a child Substance Use concern will be documented and the appropriate entities will take necessary action to create a case and follow up to ensure the child’s wellbeing, safety and protection. By taking this action you are ensuring the relevant authorities are alerted to provide help and support to the child that may be facing Substance Use.

Substance Use Concern Form

Access the Child Substance Use Concern Form here.

Report here